Sunday, 29 December 2013


At the end of the year, there are a lot of wedding receptions in my country. Everyone just suddenly gets married even in his/her early age. Some of my acquaintances at college just hold their wedding after the graduation. I can’t deny that I have a lot of reception to be attended. Hehehe :p
I always pay attention not only to what the bride and groom wear in the wedding reception but also the bridesmaid and groomsman's outfit. They have to be stunning (but not more stunning than the bride or the groom, of course). Talking about the bridesmaid, they shall look pretty in a bridesmaid’s dress. If you are going to prepare the bridesmaid’s dress for your friend's wedding, lucky you because I have some options for you to choose.
Elegant and vintage are the common theme for most people’s wedding. I will pick my favorites from TBdress. These dresses are relatively inexpensive, very gorgeous, and not so fussy to wear. Do you believe me?

Long dress always steals the wedding’s attention. The white one-shoulder A-line flowers beading is very modern and fit for the bridesmaid. Bored with white color? Try the Ruched Bowknot Trumpet Mermaid V-Neck Floor-Length in brave maroon or the Chic Draped A-Line Strapless dress in pastel (peach) instead.

The Ruched Flowers Sheath Strapless Knee-Length Dress (left) and the Flowers A-line Empire Waist Strapless dress (right) above are simple yet have unique designs. In addition, those dresses have amazing flower embellishments which look so sweet and elegant. Every girl likes flower in a dress, by the way.

Bold color is a brave fashion statement. I like the way of TBdress’ dress collection. Both of blue and turquoise dresses look a like candy’s wraps, right?

Black dress is always classic and up to date at the same time. Wearing black dress can’t go wrong. Don’t you agree? Just choose the ruffle dress and the drape beading A-line black dress. For more elegant bridesmaid dresses, you can click the link here
Do not forget to match the bridesmaid dress with the wedding theme, okay? If you want to look for a gorgeous wedding dress for the bride or other vintage bridesmaid dress, please click here
I think you can wear the bridesmaid dress above to go to other occasion such as your birthday party or prom night. You just have to change the styling. See ya! :)

Tetap Stylish di Kala Musim Hujan

Tetap Stylish di Kala Musim Hujan - Suasana terik dan hawa panas berganti dengan musim hujan yang memang melanda di negri kita ini sekarang. Menyenangkan sekaligus merepotkan sebab kemana-mana harus siap sedia payung atau jas hujan. Apalagi jika hujan sudah turun setiap hari, sehingga seringkali berbasah-basah ria saat menuju ke kantor maupun saat melakukan aktivitas di luar ruangan mau tidak mau harus dijalani.
Tetap Stylish di Kala Musim Hujan

Oleh karena itu, memilih jenis dan model pakaian perlu diperhatikan agar Anda tetap hangat agar tetap stylish di kala musim hujan ini. Selain itu seringkali baju, celana, dan sepatu pasti jadi korban, selalu basah dan kotor. Penampilan pun seringkali terkesan berantakan dan seadanya. Saatnya menyimpan pakaian dengan bahan ringan seperti sifon dan sepatu berbahan suede

Apa saja yang harus diperhatikan agar tetap tampil stylish dengan hijab?

Blazer Dan Coat

Milikilah blazer atau coat selama musim hujan. Selain membuat Anda lebih hangat, juga bisa membuat penampilan Anda lebih rapi. Bila Anda ingin terlihat lebih berwibawa, Anda bisa menggunakan blazer atau coat dengan garis pundak yang tegas. Bila Anda ingin gaya yang lebih santai, sweater oversize atau cardigan biasa dan cardigan batwing bisa jadi pilihan penampilan yang lebih kalem dan hangat.. Pilih warna-warni yang kalem agar Anda ikut bersemangat dan tetap ceria, namun warnanya tak terlalu mencolok.


Hindari pakaian berwarna putih, sebab noda akibat lumpur akan sangat jelas terlihat. Untuk bawahan, baik rok atau celana, pilihan warna gelap adalah yang terbaik. Selain menutupi kotor, warna gelap tidak terlihat transparan manakala basah oleh air. Atasan boleh dipilih yang sedikit berwarna untuk mengusir perasaan gloomy akibat cuaca yang selalu mendung, misalnya warna biru, hijau, pink, kuning lemon dan turquoise. Pakaian yang memiliki warna terang bisa membuat Anda lebih semangat dan memancarkan rona yang lebih cerah pada wajah Anda.

Untuk bahannya sebaiknya pakai katun, poly-nylon, sutra yang sedikit tebal. Hindari bahan terlalu tipis karena bisa membuat tembus pandang, sementara lycra akan melekat di badan ketika basah dan membuat lembab dan gerah.


Pilih tas yang tahan air  meskipun Anda memakai payung, tetesan air hujan akan mengenai tas yang Anda sandang di bahu. Sebagai pencegahan, gunakan tas dari bahan patent leather atau bahan sintetis tahan air yang bisa dengan mudah dikeringkan dengan lap saja. Pilih tas dengan resleting tertutup untuk menghindari kemungkinan air masuk dan membasahi perlengkapan yang Anda bawa.

Rok Panjang

Jangan gunakan rok yang mengembang. Selain akan terasa berat ketika basah, rok seperti itu akan mudah tertiup angin. Saat turun hujan sebaiknya Anda menggunakan rok yang pas di badan dengan warna-warna netral seperti cokelat, hitam navy dan warna lainnya. Hindari warna terang seperti putih dan krem karena bila ada bercak, akan mudah  terlihat.

Untuk Yang Bercelana

Gunakan celana dengan warna basic dari bahan yang hangat. Misalnya celana kain stretch yang kadang bahannya lebih tebal. Usahakan jangan sampai lebih dari mata kaki sebab akan terseret-seret ketika berjalan. Akibatnya bagian bawah celana akan basah dan kotor

Top Two Pieces

Anda juga bisa menggunakan  pakaian dua lapis. Selain lebih hangat, Anda juga bisa mix and match dengan berbagai macam outer. Misalnya jaket jeans atau blazer. Anda bisa menggunakan kemeja hingga kaos santai untuk bagian dalam. Atau, Anda bisa menggunakan kemeja dengan luaran berupa rompi untuk gaya yang lebih dinamis.


Pilihlah hijab dari bahan yang hangat. Bila perlu, Anda bisa menggunakan inner hijab ninja yang akan menghangatkan bagian leher. Gunakan hijab dengan model yang lebih panjang sehingga bisa membuat Anda lebih hangat. Bahan hijab yang hangat misalnya dari bahan viscose atau rayon.


Jika Anda termasuk sering beraktifitas di luar ruangan, hindari menggunakan stiletto atau sepatu berhak tinggi, ataupum sneaker terutama yang berbahan kulit, beludru, suede atau bahan kain lainnya begitu juga dengan sepatu sneaker atau sepatu berbahan suede yang Anda miliki. Sekarang, coba gunakan sepatu dengan bahan kulit atau  rubber yang nyaman. Anda juga bisa menggunakan sepatu low heels, boots,ankle boots  atau alas kaki berbahan plastic  karet seperti jelly shoes yang sedang ‘in’

Saturday, 28 December 2013

Tutorial Hijab Ala Dian Pelangi Wavy Twist

Tutorial Hijab Ala Dian Pelangi Wavy Twist - Gaya Dian Pelangi memang selalu di tunggu, idenya yang fresh dan unik sering menjadi trend di kalangan wanita muslimah dalam berbusana muslim. Tidak heran designer muda yang satu ini koleksinya selalu di tungu-tunggu oleh pecinta mode saat ini. Dian yang sudah sering memperkenalkan karyanya di luar negri ini juga mengangkat kekayaan budaya indonesia pada rancangannya.

Tidak hanya pada busana muslim saja, Dian juga sering berbagi tutorial jilbab agar tidak menoton agar terlihat fashionabel dengan tampilan chic, baginya seorang wanita muslimah itu bisa tampil cantik namun tetap syar'i. Yuk kita ikuti step by step tutorial hijab berikut ini:
        • Lipat jilbab segi empat membentuk segi tiga
        • Kenakan jilbab dengan sisi sebelah kiri lebih panjang
        • Bawa sisi sebelah kiri ke dekat telinga sebelah kanan lalu sematkan dengan pentul
        • Sisanya bawa ke belakang dan agar lebih rapi berikan pentul
        • Ambil sisi jilbab sebelah kanan seperti pada gambar
        • Buat lipatan dan ambil ujung jilbab
        • Sematkan dengan pentul ujung jilbab ke belakang kepala sebela kiri
        • Voila !
 Selamat Mencoba tutorial hijab ala Dian Pelangi Wavy Twist!

Wednesday, 25 December 2013


Shades, my latest painting on 40x50cm canvas with oil color

 I could not sleep when I wrote this draft post in the middle of night. my mind was flying about how great our God is. He really gives me what I want, yet I also think I need it, more than I need. I consider it as a christmas present. Perhaps for some of you, it is just another ordinary thing. But for me, it gives much more hope and strength. Nah, I will tell you later in my upcoming post, okay? :)

There have been so many joy and tears this year. the trial and process we have been through, I believe it teaches us to be a better person in the future. This could be my last post in 2013. I hope in 2014 there'll be so many exciting surprises coming toward us. I hope for myself, I can achieve what I want to achieve. I hope that achievement is God's purpose in my life. I really hope so :)

Merry Christmas 2013! See you in 2014! :)

Thursday, 19 December 2013


Ding dong... ding dong!! The bells start ringing because christmas are coming!
Do you already have any plan at christmas time? Well, if I can answer my question myself, I have arranged some plans such as spending my christmas' eve at church, visiting my grandparents and gathering with all the family. I'm also certainly sure I'll have a lot of upcoming christmas' celebration too. I'm sure you will have at least the same plan like me.
One thing that I never forget is about what to wear at Christmas. When we have to attend many Christmas’ celebration occasion, we will wear the best outfit from our wardrobe, right? In addition, some of you may agree that we will wear different outfit to different places, won’t we? Hihihi… At least, we will change one or two (or the whole) pieces from our outfit and transform them into a new look. Are you having a hard time to choose the best outfits for attending so many Christmas’ events? I can make it easy to rock your Christmas time.
Cocktail dress with red and green nuance suits Christmas very well. I always think that wearing the semi-formal dress is the best choice for Christmas. So, here it is TBdress Christmas day outfits for women which are very fashionable yet so affordable to us.

I love and want them so bad because they are really pretty. The red long sleeve & pleat dress is perfect for you and this year’s trend. You can wear either your dark-colored flat shoes or boots to complete the look. Wear a metallic clutch to make it more gorgeous. The vintage silk floral imprint day dress next to the pleat dress is also beautiful. You can add a oversize candy color blazer and high heels. Wearing your big necklace and little blue shoulder bag is highly recommended!

The left side retro day dress is sooooo easy to be mixed & matched. The same way goes to the high waist slim day dress with classic motive at the right side one. Put on your black heels and little black shoulder bag and you are ready to go anywhere. More outfits? You should spare your time to take a look at TBdress’ website here Accessories to lingerie for Christmas’ day is available there.
Talking about accessories, I think these ultra-cute accessories from TBdress are the must have items for your perfect Christmas. The deer and socks necklace are cute!! The mini christmas tree and wreath are for the win.

If you’re not satisfied enough with my choice, don’t worry because you’re still can be inspired by other TBdress Christmas day ideas. Please visit  for more stunning Christmas’ ideas! Anyway, the items in this post are now in big sale. So, what are you waiting for? Go to TBdress’s website and shop! ;)

Sunday, 15 December 2013

Tutorial Hijab Untuk Tampilan Chic

Tutorial Hijab Untuk Tampilan Chic - Tidak dipungkiri lagi bahwa setiap wanita pasti ingin tampil cantik. Dengan menggunakan jilbab pashmina, Anda dapat mewujudkannya untuk gaya berhijab Anda sehari-hari. Untuk kreasi modern dengan tampilan lebih chic tidaklah harus selalu membeli jilbab baru untuk bisa mengikuti trend tersebut. Banyak aneka kreasi berhijab dapat membuat penampilan Anda tidak membosankan dan lebih bervariasi yang dapat dipadukan dengan busana yang sesuai atau senada sehingga tampak lebih anggun dan menawan seperti tutorial hijab casual yang praktis.

Seperti tutorial hijab untuk tampilan chic ini bisa menjadi pilihan Anda. Hanya dengan beberapa langkah saja Anda sudah dapat terlihat modis dan chic. Anda tidak perlu melakukan cara-cara yang ribet dan berbelit-belit, jika ada cara yang mudah dan praktis. Ikuti langkah mudahnya disini:

 Kenakan pashmina dengan satu sisi lebih panjang lalu ikatkan ke belakang kepala

 Ambil sisi yang panjang dan bawa ke atas kepala

 Lilitkan 3 kali putaran dengan sisi jilbab yang lainnya, lalu ambil bagian sudut jilbab yang pendek bawa  keatas kepala dan berikan pentul

 Bawa kembali bagian yang panjangnya ke atas kepala dan berikan pentul

Rapikan dan selesai!

Sangat mudah dan simple bukan? Anda tidak memerlukan waktu yang lama untuk dapat tampil menarik dengan menggunakan jilbab pashmina. Jadi tunggu apalagi? Selamat mencoba! 

Wednesday, 11 December 2013


Me illustrated by Fahmy Haryandi
Thank you Fahmy!!!

The huge rain just dropped by. Here I am sitting in front of my computer and drinking my instant coffee. I just think why my internet connection runs so slow, like often. I called the provider to fix it and the crew came to my house few times but the connection still sucks.
Just random thoughts accross my minds.
Well, I have an uncertain length of holiday this time. Nevertheless, I keep myself busy and do things I love then. I had many good chances beforehand, the chances I've dreamed about to do the stuff that I think I'm gonna like. But, I just wasted them away. Just like that. 
I don't know the particular reason why I did that. There's a lot to be considered with. But I still have an optimist mind. I believe that the opportunity I seek will appear so soon.
I decide to have a rest a little while. I often feel so burdened and think I can't walk any further. I realize that I already run so far yet not so quick. I can say that I'm in the progress in regaining my fire back. I wish it will be worthy at the end.
            In the meanwhile of “meditating”, I do many things (I like) such as drawing, painting, making illustration, etc. It helps a lot and makes a positive thinking. Besides, I’m surrounded by good people supporting me as well. Thank God. 

*pictures below are illustrated by me* 

My best friend, Fahmy Haryandi
it was my first time at trying to draw people's face digitally :)
My sister, Novi
My best friend, Lucca Yoga, created with Samsung Note
(the two illustrations above are made by this apps too)
My best friend (again), Lucca Yoga. Today (11.12.13) is his birthday date!!
Happy birthdaaaayy!! :D
illustrated on a paper


The APPMI's post is not over yet. This is my another favorite collection.

The feminine oriental look has mesmerized me. The pretty gradation color does speak a loud.

Gregorious Vici brings us back to the old European trend. He combines the pale color with black in his wide skirt. The leaves embellishment is so amazing. The overused of accessories and huge headpieces doesn't look too much, I think, because it fits the total look well.


Today, I bring you to some of the hottest RTW items in Jakarta Fashion Week 2014, from the monochrome-colored until the sparkling colorful fashion. I collage my favorites which are made by the Indonesian talented designers, such as August Soesastro, Friederich Herman, Billy Tjong, Jeffry Tan, Yosafat Kurniawan, Major Minor, Toton, and Dian Pelangi. Enjoy!!

Clean and simple cut is always up-to-date. August makes his woman become more mature.

The black edgy jacket with geometric fish scale paneling below... I love!

The monochrome shades becomes more interesting and different by adding the gold spikes accent which is very smart.

I've never thought that the cutting of blazer can be this fun and unusual. Friederich Herman keeps his design edgy and bold and says that a woman look should be strong and cool. I love the asymmetry cutting inside the leather jacket worn by Hege Wollan!!

Playing with the digital printing is always fun, isn't it? Billy Tjong prints his design in his latest dress and bags. In addition, he also has another printing, which I prefer to, such as the nature scenery which is very cool. But, I think the wig doesn't look as natural as the printing. It would be better a ponytail or something else natural.

Ah, what can I say? If I were Rachel Zoe, I would say, "This colorful jungle print?? I die. This is Bananas!!" This "Wanderlust" collection is made by the team consisting of  Ari Seputra, Ambar Pratiwi, and Inneke Margarethe. I love the jungle-printed top with neon accent. It is so fashion-forward.

This collection as you can see, is about ocean life. It is so colorful but not shocking. It has artsy details in a very wearable outfit! I feel the ocean wave when I see the cutting of the collection. Don't you feel the same?

The hijab designer who is also known by her colorful design is showing off her talent again at JFW 2014. She brings the attendance of colorful umbrella along the show. I like the colorful beads embellishment that gives a fun and chic look at the same time.

Monday, 9 December 2013

Tutorial Hijab Casual Praktis

Tutorial Hijab Casual Praktis - Beauty is pain. Masih banyak yang memakai motto itu untuk penampilan cantik sebagai seorang wanita. Untuk tampil stylish masih banyak pilihan gaya, apalagi sebagai seorang muslimah tentu perlu memperhatikan aturan yang sesuai dengan syari'at dalam agama Islam. Saat ini muslimah sudah memiliki banyak alternatif gaya seperti tampilan feminim, casual style bahkan preppy style. Meskipun berhijab tetap bisa tampil seperti karakter Anda sendiri.

Tutorial Hijab Casual Praktis

Bagi yang ingin tampil nyaman dan santai tanpa harus ribet dalam mengenakan hijab, kali ini hijaberfashion akan berbagi  tutorial hijab casual praktis dari hijup. Caranya sangat gampang dan tidak butuh waktu banyak, cukup menggunakan satu pentul saja, yuk kita lihat stepnya:

 Sebaiknya gunakan pashmina kaos yang kedua ujung ada ikatan, kenakan pashmina dengan sisi sama panjang.

 Bawa ke atas kepala lalu jalin kedua sisi jilbab dengan selang seling

 Bawa ke belakang kepala dan sematkan dengan pentul.

Bawa sisa jilbab kesamping dekat telinga dan selesai!